Yōgakṣ̟ẽmaṃ Vahᾱmyaham – Gyan Yajna by Swami Swaroopananda

Date : 13 Feb 2024

 Yogakshemam Vahamyham- Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9

The annual Jnana Yagna at the Delhi centre by Pujya Swami Swaroopananda ji Global Head, Chinmaya Mission is a much-awaited, greatly anticipated event. For spiritual seekers in the city, these talks are a ‘must attend’, and this year was no different.

The Mission was beautifully decorated and radiated a festive atmosphere. Pristine white canopies adorned the bookstalls along the driveway, the façade of the building shimmered with illumination and strings of lights twinkled around the Guru Mandir.  The Tapovan Hall stage was tastefully adorned with floral decorations. The altars of Pujya Gurudev and Bhagavan Shri Krishna on either side of the Vyasa Peeth gleamed splendidly.

Pujya Swamiji arrived for the inauguration ceremony on the evening of 13th February, accompanied by Swami Prakarshananda, Swami Chidrupananda, Swami Avyayananda and Mrs. Prarthna Saran, President Chinmaya Mission Delhi. The host of eager devotees watched as he was ceremoniously received with Purna Kumbha and Aarti. This was followed by the lighting of the traditional lamp.

Following Mrs. Uma Chandola’s musical invocation, Jujhar Singh introduced Pujya Swamiji, after which Smt. Prarthna Saran, welcomed him to the Delhi Mission. Her brief introduction covered the scope of Chinmaya Mission’s activities throughout India in the fields of spirituality, social upliftment and education at the school and university levels.

Pujya Swamiji released ‘Joyful Parenting Solutions’, a special souvenir created for the event, and ‘The Early Hours of Meditation – Pratah Smarana Stotram’, the text for the morning discourses.

Going straight to the topic of the discourse, Swamiji introduced the chapter as being the very heart of the Gita. This is the point where Bhagavan reveals the highest knowledge of the Self. He takes the intellect to dizzying heights from where there is a free fall into the depths of the heart leading to profound revelations on Bhakti. Generously sprinkled with jokes and stories, he kept the audience spellbound as he explained the deeper, more profound nuances of the chapter.

The discourses concluded with Bhagwan’s unequivocal promise to the devotees. The assurance that by worshipping and fixing their minds on Him, depending entirely on Him, they shall reach Him.