Spiritual Miles
A well trained and controlled mind stands a man in god stead, better than armies, It saves him from cowardice as well as pearls
-Swami Chinmayananda
Get Going, take charge of your life!!
Spiritual Miles is a way of keeping track of your spiritual progress. Spiritual activities essentially have three components:
Seva – Service
Swadhyaya – Self Study & Introspection
Sadhana – Spiritual Practices
This section is designed to help you set a goal for all three for your coming year and tracking the progress besides helping you with avenues where you could undertake all three of them.
What are Spiritual Miles and how you can earn them?
Spiritual Miles are specific points that you earn when you carry out a few activities specified here in the website under sections Seva, Swadhyaya or Sadhana. There would be a few regular options to choose from on an ongoing basis. We also shall add few other specific options based on guidance given by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda at various places, occasions and purposes. So we request you to keep your records updated and visit the site regularly for new sadhana, seva and swadhyaya opportunities online.
Your Spiritual Goal:
Set your goals so high that you are not able to reach them — Gurudev (Bhagavad gita ch 2 verse 49)
For each spiritual activity that you complete, you get some spiritual miles. Once you update your miles you cannot go back and reduce them. These goals and miles are only for self – evaluation and tracking and so please update the activity only when you have completed. When you reach your goal your name will automatically figure in the list of successful aspirants on our site with appropriate recognition. Please read the various options for spiritual miles under the sections and how to earn miles from them. Only after reading these miles, we suggest you set your goals with proper planning. Remember the maxim – Not too loose, Not too tight, Just Right. Please plan your activities so that they are just beyond your reach so that it impels you to strive harder and brings out the best in you on the spiritual.
Adding the Spiritual Miles
Adding spiritual miles to your diary is simple. For each activity you do, there are rates specified. E.g. you earn spiritual miles when you donate Rs. 500 or $10. So if you have donated Rs. 5000 this month, you have earned 10 spiritual miles. Please update this in your diary stating the date when you receive the confirmation that your donation has been accepted. You are your own best judge to pace your activities and how you earn your own miles. Regularity is important in noting the miles so that there is no error arising out of failure of memory recall.Spiritual Miles :
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